Adopted by President’s Cabinet 1/4/18; Updated 8/16/22


校董会考虑一个地方或学术单位的命名,以纪念 在世或已故的个人、公司、基金会或组织 它所能给予的最高和最独特的荣誉.

Namings may be authorized for outstanding and distinguished service, for philanthropic 给予,还是两者兼得. 十大彩票平台校长应该确保这一点 拟议的命名符合该机构和美国政府的利益 and is commensurate with the level of service or philanthropic giving from the person, 将被命名的人、组或组. 未经授权的名称 相关的资金募集应该是例外.

十大彩票平台和所有房地产的学院和学校的命名, facilities, and property owned or leased by the USG, including facilities constructed, donated, or acquired by affiliated organizations of 十大彩票平台, requires prior authorization by the Chancellor, the USG Chief Administrative Officer, and the 校董会. 所有提议的提名都应提交给美国地质调查局行政局长 Officer who shall distribute the proposal for integrated review and, in conjunction 与校长一起,将申请提交校董会批准.

未经批准,校董会授权的姓名不得更改 董事会成员. 如果情况发生,可能需要删除的名称是 previously approved by the 校董会, the decision whether to remove the name 由董事会在与校长协商后自行决定.

总统 of 十大彩票平台 is authorized to name and to remove the name of interior spaces and academic 单位s subordinate to colleges and schools, such 作为部门,未经董事会事先批准. EGSC应保持一份报告 十大彩票游戏平台内部命名和命名删除.

The namings of facilities and features of EGSC will endure only for the useful life 具有某种能力或特征而不是永久存在的. 如果一个设施或特征实质上是 更改后,指定的设施或特征可能不再存在,并且总统在其 or her discretion, may seek 校董会’ approval to transfer the name to a new 设施或特征.

The 校董会 will authorize external namings (places, colleges, and schools) to honor a living person only when that person has been disassociated from employment 或从地方、州或联邦政府工作至少两年 在寻求校董会批准前几年.

Additional naming opport单位ies that do not require 校董会 approval, such as scholarships and endowments, are managed by the VP for 机构发展 也不在本保单的承保范围内.


十大彩票平台's 命名审核委员会 (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee") is composed of 总统, Vice President for Business Affairs, Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, the Vice President for Institutional 晋升和补助金以及工厂运营总监. 委员会的宗旨 is to evaluate honorees for the naming of places or academic 单位s, streets and interior 空格和名称删除,使用下面列出的指导方针. 委员会的评价 will include consideration of the current service and/ or financial contribution and 受奖人未来的财务承诺,视情况而定. 对于所有提议的命名 that require 校董会 approval, the Committee will submit the proposed naming recommendation to the USG chief administrative officer who will distribute for integrated review and in conjunction with the chancellor submit the request to the 校董会 采取行动. 委员会每年审查所有指定地点、学术单位、 streets and interior spaces to ensure the names remain consistent with the interests 十大彩票平台和佐治亚大学系统.


Namings may be authorized for outstanding and distinguished service, for philanthropic 根据以下标准给予,或两者兼而有之. 卓越的服务和慈善 给予是灵活的标准,需要考虑相关事实 to the person being honored and implementation of standards developed by East Georgia 州立学院和委员会. 十大彩票平台校长和 委员会将努力确保服务的价值值得采取行动 proposed and that the naming is consistent with the interests of East Georgia State 学院和大学系统. 

服务: Places, academic 单位s and interior spaces may be named for living or deceased persons 为十大彩票平台,为国家, 对国家或社会作出贡献,并作出杰出贡献的人. 命名时 是为了表彰为公众做出杰出贡献的在世人士 如属受雇者,该名受雇者必须已被大学解聘 在系统、地方、州或联邦政府工作至少两年 寻求董事会批准. 如果被授予荣誉的个人不再 生活,两(2)年的等待期可以免除. 

慈善捐赠: Places, academic 单位s and interior spaces may also be named for individuals, corporations, foundations or organizations making monetary donations to 十大彩票平台 or its Foundation; examples include: 

      • 十大彩票平台大楼或综合大楼* $500,000 
      • 十大彩票平台校园街25万美元 
      • 十大彩票平台体育馆15万美元 
      • 十大彩票平台运动场75000美元 
      • 室内空间25,000美元及以上 

 *“综合体”被定义为一组具有室内和/或室内空间的相互连接的建筑物 outdoor facilities and any other related auxiliary structures, forming one contiguous 单位. 此定义旨在定义包含以下一种或多种功能的设施 以下用法:运动的,学术的和/或娱乐的. 

负责机构发展和拨款的副校长维持最低水平 如上所述的礼物等级. 

To the extent possible, fund raising opport单位ies shall be maximized to attain namings 本保单承保范围. 

In order for a place or academic 单位 to be named based upon a contribution, the gift 将遵守以下指引: 

      1. 1The gift must be in irrevocable form to be paid within a five-year period based upon 签署的承诺. 
      2. 冠名应与至少包含一部分的捐献相关联 用于支持相关设施或学术项目的捐赠 有了设备. 
      3. Deferred gifts should generally not be used for current naming opport单位ies; discussions may ensure with interested donors about possible naming opport单位ies that would be 当收到礼物时有效. 
      4. When a gift is pledged over a period of time, presidents should make a formal naming 当基金会至少收到捐赠总额的一半时,方可向理事会提出申请 机构. 

When considering the honoree's monetary contributions, whether an individual, corporation, 或基金会,委员会将评估累积捐款. 一个人 may be honored by naming with a combination of cumulative donations and outstanding 服务于十大彩票平台,如上所述. 在总统之前 向校董会提出提名建议、金钱捐赠或等额承诺 to seventy-five percent of the respective limit as noted above, must be received by 总统. 


After the approval of the naming, 十大彩票平台 will hold a recognition 公开承认命名和捐赠者的仪式. 十大彩票平台 will notify the Chancellor and the 校董会 of the ceremony date as soon as it is determined so as to encourage attendance of representatives of the University 佐治亚系统. 


此处所命名的所有街道和建筑物的标志将具有以下特征 与现有建筑风格相得益彰、相得益彰 校园建筑和景观场地. 标识应与东方一致 Georgia State College's Master Plan and specifically the campus's landscape plan regarding common outdoor space usage such as hardscape and signage, to achieve a cohesive and 可持续发展的校园. 这些标准应确保校园场地传达一个 具有吸引人的大专/大学性格. 


In accordance with Board policy, a plaque of bronze cast metal or other appropriate material will be installed in all major construction projects including new buildings, 新增和翻新,注明完成的年份,州长和成员 the Board at the time of completion and other Regents serving since the project was 首先由建筑师和承包商批准. 如果总统认为适当, major contributor(s) may be recognized by inclusion on the plaque or a separate plaque. 


The removal of a name from an 十大彩票平台 facility, street or interior space may become necessary due to the failure of the honoree to meet a pledged financial commitment, failure to maintain the high standards of 十大彩票平台 or 十大彩票平台或其他适当的理由. 一旦委员会 is aware of a situation that may warrant removal of the name the Committee will convene 并考虑所有相关信息. 如果委员会认为有必要 将获奖者的名字从某地、学术单位或街道、委员会除名 将向 首席行政官. 从内部空间中删除名字是在 总统的裁量权和免职将向副总统报告 在日历年度结束时,为机构发展和补助金. 总统 会否以书面通知获授勋人除名决定.